Visitor Instructions

If you are visiting us in our offices we look forward to seeing you at the Defense Health Headquarters (DHHQ).  To make your visit smooth please be sure to plan ahead.  Visitor access, vehicle parking and conference room scheduling require prior coordination.

Gatehouse Visitor Information (DHA Facilities Division Visits Only)

Visitor Request (DHA Facilities Division Visits Only)

These instructions are strictly for DHA Facilities Division Visits Only.

Instructions on how to get to our site, access our campus, and enter the building can be found in this section.

  • General Building (Defense Health Headquarters) Information:  DHHQ Website
  • Parking and Visitor Requests (Form | General public DHA-FD NoticeNEW
    1.  Please note that due to policy changes in DHHQ Business Operations & Support only Government Offices are authorized to complete the request form.  
    2.  To facilitate this process our admin staff are now processing your requests for building access, parking and conference rooms for any meetings at DHHQ.  Please contact our administrative assistants via email or phone 703.681.4324. 
  • Shuttle, taxi, etc information (DHHQ Building Support Notice)  Note:  if you need a pass for the Dunn Loring Metro shuttle you need to fill out the Parking & Visitor Request form.
  • Scheduling Conference Rooms (See “References” tab.)
  • Conference Room Features and computer requirements:
    1.  You must have an HDMI port on your computer to project in our conference rooms.
    2.  We cannot guarantee our display system will be compatible with your computer.  (It is highly recommend that you either bring your own projector or coordinate ahead of time with PPMD to run the files from a TMA/HA computer.)


Description Link
DHHQ Visitor and Parking Request Form Form
DHHQ Conference Room Reservation Form Form | Instructions
DHHQ Training Room Reservation Form Form 

Find more documents in the Knowledge Center Repository.  This provides 100′s of valuable resources (documents and links) pertaining to World Class Facilities in the MHS.