Frequently Asked Questions

1.  What is the purpose of this site?

The site is designed to allow collaboration to enhance the World-Class information and toolkit for all users by using a forum style to capture user input. In December 2009 when the Defense Health Board defined Word-class facilities, among other clarifications, as “more than the sum of their parts”, they had begun the journey to ensure medical healthcare facilities would be the model to emulate regarding both practice and process through the ages. However, because of the complicated synergies inherent in the vaulted class of a world-class facility, there is no measure available for the concept. Therefore, the purpose of this website is to attempt to enable Planners, Hospital Staff, Architects, Engineers, Agents and Facility managers to transform that goal into tangible working capabilities with structured know-how, checklist tools, case studies, design guidelines, and more, to bring the reality of the world-class facility to fruition. This website will take the user from the building and process idea to the concrete ability to actually establish the best-practice requirements to build and populate a world-class facility based on specific Domains, Objectives, Principles, Strategies, Evidence Based Design (EBD), Green Guide, and the Whole Building Design Guide, as well as other guidelines as iterations occur. 

2.  What is the purpose of the Knowledge Center?

The Knowledge Center is a place to learn and share in the collective understanding of World-Class medical facility planning, design, operations and care delivery. Information includes World-Class Domains as defined by the Defense Health Board; a review of the Military Health System Guiding Principles and Quadruple Aim; how these concepts can be applied to inpatient and outpatient medical facilities through the application of Core Dimensions and Strategies, supported by references, case studies and design guidelines and access to resources such as articles, fact sheets, presentations and external sites that help inform topics such as evidence-based design, health facilities management, patient-centered care, and sustainability. There is also a place to share your experiences, submit additional resources you have found helpful and letting us know how we can make this site more helpful to all.

3.  What is the purpose of the toolkit?

The World-Class ToolKit provides a library of tools that will enable planners, hospital staff, architects, engineers, agents, and facility managers to understand the meaning of world-class and how it will affect their facilities and their operations. The World-Class ToolKit also helps to incorporate world-class strategies into your projects throughout their life cycles. In the future, it will allow you to evaluate your projects against world-class metrics and to compare against other projects through the development of a World-Class Index. It includes the World-Class Checklist, World-Class Checklist Reports, Design Guidelines, Case Studies, Project Tool (Login required | Restricted Access), Post Occupancy Evaluations (Not Functional), and CIDM Tool (Login required | Restricted Access).

4.  What features are available to increase my understanding of World-Class Facilities?

Features that are available immediately on the World-Class Facility website include links to important websites, a document repository that contains framed reports, a list of references used in formulating the objectives, strategies and principles of World-Class, the Lifecycle phases of the upcoming interactive checklist, and information to help access the various portions of the website.

5.  How can I see whether a project already exists in the Toolkit?

Go to the Project View page at "Tools | Project Tool | View Projects". If you have the Project ID or the Project name, you can enter either of those values into the query fields at the top of the page. If you only have a partial name, that works, too—the search capability in the Toolkit can still find a project based on partial values.

1.  How is the site organized?

The site is organized into five main modules

  • Home Page
  • Knowledge Center
  • Project Tool
  • Analytics
  • User Support

Within the World-Class Toolkit, there are three Tools available:

  • World-Class Checklist
  • CIDM
  • Project Tool

2.  What information is on the Home Page?

  • Search Features

    All pages of the World-Class Facilities Toolkit feature a search function in the form of a text box in the upper-right hand corner of the screen. Users can enter any combination of keywords to search the entire site.

  • Image Slider

    At the top of the home page is an slider showcasing some of the facilities that have been developed using the tools provided in this application.

  • Tools

    Below the slider image is a set of buttons providing quick access to the tools in this application.

  • Additional Resources

    The band of buttons across the middle of the page provide easy access to a number of functional modules within the World-Class Toolkit.

  • World-Class Updates

    The latest news on site enhancements and updates.

  • Quick Links

    Shortcut links to popular related sites.

3.  How do I return to the Home page?

You can return to the Home Page at any time by 1) clicking on the World-Class Facilities logo in the top-left of the screen, or 2) clicking on the "Home" link at the left end of the navigation menu bar.

4.  How do I access primary features/functions?

Primary features and functions are displayed along a top navigational menu bar.

5.  I am looking for specific information on the WCF Toolkit, what is the best way to find it?

The global search field located at the upper left corner of your screen is a good place to start. Enter your key words or ID number there, then click on the magnifying glass to the right of the text box. You will be shown a listing of all the items on the site that meet your criteria.

1.  How do I gain access to the World-Class Checklist tool?

The World-Class Checklist tool is available for use by anybody. Feel free to open the tool and take it for a test-drive! If you'd like to save your checklist and manage it within the WCToolkit, though, you will need to be a registered user. We have a wizard available that can help you register as a user of the WCToolkit.

2.  How do I access the World-Class Facilities Toolkit?

In order to access certain features of the site, you must be registered as both a user of CHEWIE Identity Provider and as a user of the WCToolkit. To help you complete this process, we provide a registration wizard to walk you through the steps. This page can also be accessed by clicking on the green "Request Access" button on the right end of the navigation menu bar.

3.  What are the publically open areas of the Site?

  • Home Page
    Information on the Home Page
  • Knowledge Center
    Any documents designated for PUBLIC access.
  • World-Class Checklist
    Any public visitor may create a checklist and save it to their desktop. Only registered users can save a checklist to the system for future edits. All supporting information documents may be viewed by everyone.

1.  How can I update my email address in WCFTK account?

  1. If your email address has changed because of a position/agency change, you need to register a new CHEWIE Identity Provider account under the new email address.
  2. Once the new account is created, you will need to request ticket assigned PMO CHEWIE Support Tier 2 group to close the old account, please request ticket assigned to PMO CHEWIE Support Tier 2 group at Global Service Center or phone call to 1-800-600-9332.
  3. If you have a WCFTK account, you need to request ticket assigned to PMO CHEWIE Support Tier 2 group at Global Service Center and explain that a new account is created for you to replace an old account because of the email change. You should be able to access all the projects that you previously had access (with your old email).

2.  Where do I find information to help me use the World-Class Checklist tool?

The World-Class Checklist tool contains extensive help documentation throughout the application. The answer to your question is often just a click away. In addition, there is an extensive help system available under the heading of "How to Use this Site".

3.  How do I change my profile?

To change your profile, please request ticket assigned to PMO CHEWIE Support Tier 2 group at Global Service Center with your updated information.

4.  When trying to access the WCF Toolkit I get an error message that says I am “not authorized to view this page, what does this mean?

This message indicates that you are registered with CHEWIE Identity Provider, the authenticating authority used by the Toolkit, but you are not registered as a Toolkit user. Request ticket assigned to PMO CHEWIE Support Tier 2 group at Global Service Center and let them know you need to be registered as a Toolkit user.

5.  I am following certain items but I am only notified of very basic events. How can I be notified of more events?

Visit your profile by clicking on your name (located at the upper-right of the screen). Click on the "Notification Settings" tab. You will see a number of events, according to Projects, Folders, and Resources. Select the events of which you would like to be notified. This will cause you to receive more detailed notification reports.

6.  I would like to get access to SEPS. How do I go about doing that?

On the Home page, there is a button labeled "SEPS" under the "Additional Resources" section. Clicking on that button will take you to the SEPS landing page. Select the tab that says "SEPS 3.x Live", where you will a link saying "Register Now". Click that link, and follow the prompts presented.

For you convenience, here is a link to the SEPS page.