User Guides — World Class Checklist

How To Use This Site

Introduction to the World-Class Checklist

The World-Class Checklist is designed to guide, educate and monitor the progress of your project. It provides a platform to share knowledge and provide a structured approach to ensuring provision of world class medical facilities consistent with the vision articulated by the Defense Health Board and codified by Congress. It is a tool to enable Facility Planners to accomplish the following:

  • Promote World-Class design strategies throughout the facility lifecycle in support of World-Class domains

  • Guide visioning for the facility—clearly identify and place the key principles and objectives of world-class in front of the leaders and planners

  • Monitor design strategies throughout the life cycle of the facility

MHS Guiding Principles for the WC Checklist

  1. Provide patient and family-centered care

  2. Achieve world-class quality and safety

  3. Create a positive work environment

  4. Improve operational effectiveness

  5. Be sustainable with a high level of community responsibility

  6. Provide high value & be good stewards of taxpayer money

  7. Be evidence and performance based

  8. Design for maximum flexibility, standardization & growth

  9. Decision making based on best practices and innovation

Checklist Structure

  • Each of the MHS Guiding Principles is supported by one or more checklist strategies

  • Strategies are grouped by relevance to a lifecycle and a DHB domain

  • There are 167 strategies; 20 are mandatory for MHS Facility Projects

  • Each strategy is associated with a specific lifecycle phase for when it should be considered

  • Each strategy is associated with a “lead” – the responsible stakeholder is either the facility manager, the command or MHS

  • Some strategies are mandatory (20) and the others are things to consider

Strategies vary based on:

  • Facility Type

    Not all strategies apply to every project.

  • Lifecycle Phase

    Some strategies pertain only to specific phases.

  • Mandated Strategies

    Strategies that don't apply due to unique circumstances may be deselected, as long as justification is provided.

Accessing a Checklist

The World Class Checklist is publicly available to anyone. You may create a checklist without logging into the World Class Facilities Toolkit. However, only users that have a World-Class Facilities Toolkit Account and are logged in can save their checklists and view them again later. Also, browing existing checklists is reserved for users who are logged into the application.

For more information on how to register for a World Class Facilities Checklist Account please see our guide on How to Register.

Creating a Checklist

Follow the navigation menu to "Tools | World-Class Checklist | Checklist Landing", then click on the button labeled "Get Started". If you are a registered user, you may follow this procedure, or go to the "Browse Checklist" page, where you can click on the "+ Create Checklist" button. Both of these sequences will take you to the same data entry page.

Once you click the "Get Started" or "+ Create Checklist" button, you will be taken to a form titled "Create New Checklist". Fill in the fields there:

  • Name

    Identifies your checklist. The Name field is required.

  • Description

    Tells about the project and the purpose of the checklist.

  • Project (only if logged in)

    If you are logged in to the Toolkit, you will have the option to associate the checklist with a particular Project. Select from list of available projects.

  • Lifecycle

    When a new checklist is created, the default Facility Life Cycle Phase is Requirements Planning. The Facility Life Cycle Phase controls which objectives and strategies display in the checklist. You can change the phase at anytime.

    Select one of the following Life Cycles for your checklist:

    -  All Lifecycles
    -  Design / Construction Execution
    -  Facility Activation & Operations
    -  Requirements Planning
    -  Strategic Portfolio Planning

  • Facility Type

    By selecting a facility type, only the strategies relevant to your project will be included in your checklist

    Facility Type is a required field—you will not be able to save the checklist without selecting one of the following options:

    -  Ambulatory Care Center
    -  Blood Donor Center
    -  Medical Clinic
    -  Community Hospital
    -  Dental Clinic
    -  Laboratory / Research
    -  Medical Center
    -  Specialty Clinic
    -  Veterinary Facility

  • Author (only if user is not logged in)

    Identifies the Author of the checklist. If the user is logged in, the Toolkit will automatically populate the field with the user's identification.

When you have entered this information, click the "Submit" button. You will be taken to a form showing all the values that were filled in as attributes of the checklist.

In addition, there will be a list of available strategies that can be applied to the checklist. These strategies are listed on the left side of the screen, with explanatory information displayed on the right. Check as many of these strategies as apply to your checklist.

Accessing an Existing Checklist

Follow the menu navigation links "Tools | World-Class Checklist | Browse Checklist". This will take you to a page listing all your checklists. Click on the Name of the checklist you wish to open.

Using the Strategy Selection List

A major component of a checklist is the strategy list that follows the checklist attributes. While viewing the list of strategies, you can highlight any particular strategy by clicking anywhere in the row. If you wish to select the strategy for use in your checklist, check the box at the left of any desired row by clicking on it. If a selected strategy is deemed no longer necessary, simply click on the checkbox again, to turn off the selection.


Just like with Resources and Projects (see the Resource tab on How to Use this Site and User Guides - Project Tool), there are several attributes possessed by a Checklist that can be used to filter the list you see on the page. By setting these filters, it is possible to narrow the list of relevant strategies available for selection. These filter values are:

  • ID

  • Name

  • Checked

  • Lifecycle Phase

  • Domain


The Life Cycle phase drop down menu allows you to filter the list of available Objectives and Strategies based on Lifecyle requirements.


There are a variety of domains from which to choose. Click on the "Domain" button at the top of the strategies list. This will present you with several possible domains. Select the desired item(s) in the list. The system will update the Objectives and Strategies accordingly.

The Strategy Viewer

When viewing the list of strategies, you can click on any desired row, making it the current selection. This has the effect of displaying more details about that strategy on the right side of the screen.

The information on the right side of the screen can be expanded so that it takes up the entire screen in its own tab, making it easier to read. Do this by clicking on the button in the upper-right corner of the section, just under the "Filter" title bar.

To the left of the Expand button there is another button containing the letters "PDF". Clicking on this button will generate a PDF document containing the information in the Strategy, and offer to save that document to whatever location you would like.

How to Edit a Checklist

Editing the attribute fields of a checklist takes place in the section at the top of the page. This section may be closed, to maximaze the space for displaying the strategy list. If you don't see the edit fields at the top of the page, open this edit area by clicking the button labeled "Show Details". This will reveal the same fields that were used to create the checklist.

We Invite Input

We welcome comments so that we can build the body of knowledge on strategies to build world-class facilities for our world-class beneficiaries!