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Using the Content Search Function
Searching by Terms
To find a term type it in the content box.
To find multiple terms type in each term.
To find a phrase add quotation marks around it.
Example Search Text
To find a term
To find multiple terms
Facility Project Management
To find exact phrase
"Facility Project Management"
Boolean Searches
Note: AND, OR must be in uppercase!
Example Search Text
To find at least one of the terms
Facility OR Project OR Manage
To find all the terms
Facility AND Project AND Manage
To find 2 or more terms and possibly another
(Facility OR Project) AND Manage
Fuzzy Searches with Wildcards
The ‘?’ wildcard looks for single character matches.
The ‘*’ wildcard looks for multiple character matches. Note: Do not use wildcards at the beginning of a search term
Example Search Text
To search for "text" or "test"
To search for test, tests or tester
Very Fuzzy Searches
The ‘~’ symbol looks for "sort-of-alike" terms.
Example Search Text
Find documents including Department, partnering, departure